R2DA Wiki


This is for people who can't make up their mind for which weapon to buy. The page groups guns together in certain categories so it's easier to compare.

Bolding indicates the best in that certain feature. Some stats may depend on your play-style, so take these comparisons with a grain of salt. For simplicity, statistics, where weapons have the same value, are omitted.

Attachments are not taken into account. Certain weapons (such as the Flamethrower) are not on this list due to being the sole weapon of their class.

Category Remington 700 Dragunov Barrett 50 Cal. FATAL5 FATAL6
Damage 105 115 240
185 (Free For All)
160 (Team Deathmatch)
90 (Party Deathmatch)
155 242
Total Damage 1575 3680 5760
4440 (Free For All)
3840 (Team Deathmatch)
2160 (Party Deathmatch)
5580 9680
Ammunition 5/2 8/3 6/3 9/3 10/3
Range 200 240 300 200 300
Accuracy 200 270 450 215 300
Obtainability Obtainable Obtainable Obtainable Unlikely Very Unlikely
Hard Impact 1 1 3 1 3

Category DB Shotgun Wingmaster 870 Shotty 12 Spas-12
Damage 30x7 [210] 26x8 [208] 45x8 [360] 23x8 [184]
Total Damage 2940 2288 4940 3168
DPS ~420 ~291.2 ~720 ~352
Ammunition 2/6 5/6 8/5 6/12
Range 140 140 60 90
Accuracy 28 31 18 80

Category M16A1 M1A1 Thompson AK-47 Famas HK416 SCAR-H P90
Damage 45 45 35 32 40 45 44
Total Damage 2835 2250 3150 3072 1600 4320 6072
DPS ~135 ~300 ~335 ~507 ~420 ~445 ~645
Ammunition 21/2 25/1 30/2 32/2 20/1 32/2 46/2
Range 140 90 130 130 80 180 148
Accuracy 95 50 145 125 60 60 155
Firing Rate 36,000* 400 575 950 630 620 880
Firing Modes Semi, Burst Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto, Burst, Semi-Auto Auto
Hard Impact 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

Category M202 RPG X-Mas Launcher Tri-Blaster Chinalake
Damage 300 1500 300 295 500
Total Damage 900 4500 900 2655 3000
Ammunition 1/2 1/2** 1/3 3/3**** 4/2
Range 160 400 100 500 123
Obtainability Unobtainable Obtainable Unobtainable Obtainable Obtainable
Projectile On-Contact, Angled On-Contact, Direct Timed, Angled On-Contact, Direct On-Contact, Angled
Blast Radius 15 studs ~30 studs 15 studs 20 studs 17 studs
Gamemode Restrictions All PvP modes All PvP modes
(10 points in Team Deathmatch)
None All PvP modes None
Firing Modes Semi-Auto Semi-Auto Semi-Auto Semi-Auto, Burst Pump-Action

Category M93R Skorpion Mini Uzis
Damage 43 25 28
Total Damage 1548 2000 2016
DPS 129 ~625 ~465.3
Ammunition 12/2 20/3 36/1
Accuracy 35 50 90
Firing Rate 36,000* 1,500 520
Firing Modes Burst Auto, Semi-Auto Auto

Category Minigun M249
Damage 65 65
Total Damage 19,500 7,150
DPS ~1,625 ~541
Ammunition 150/1*** 55/1
Range 150 180
Accuracy 36 50
Firing Rate 1,500 500
Hard Impact 1 3

Category Steyr M Colt Python CK Swat Luger P08 Newbie Peacemaker
Damage 55 85 130
90 (Team Deathmatch)
65 85 68
Total Damage 1980 1530 1300
900 (Team Deathmatch)
1040 510 4080
DPS ~385 ~425 ~750 ??? ~566 136
Ammunition 12/2 6/2 5/1 8/1 3/1 10/5
Range 140 80 70 245 140 145
Accuracy 85 110 165 170 70 132
Obtainability Obtainable Obtainable Obtainable Obtainable Temporarily Obtainable

Category Axe Torch Bell Newspaper Tinpot
Damage 140 20 35 35 12
Energy 10 8 6 6 5
Swing Rate 1.1s 0.5s 0.3s 0.3s 0.5s
Obtainability Obtainable Unobtainable Unobtainable Unobtainable Obtainable
Trait None 50% chance to burn Attracts zombies None None
Category Ice Staff Toy Sword Parasol Bone Sword Christmas Spear
Damage 25 15 25 40 25
Energy 22 10 8 12 8
Swing Rate 0.5s 0.6s 0.4s 0.4s 0.6s
Obtainability Unobtainable Obtainable Unobtainable Unobtainable Unobtainable
Trait Freeze Mount Compatible Parachute Block Throwable
Category Leadpipe Frost Knuckles Toy Hammer Patriots Flag
Damage 30 25 8 35
Energy 7 6 10 10
Swing Rate 0.35s 0.5s 0.6s 0.6s
Obtainability Obtainable Unobtainable Unobtainable Unobtainable
Trait Concussion Freeze Super Smash Heal

Category Chainsaw Baseball Bat Christmas Tree Shovel Katana
Damage 145 55 30 35 85
Energy 15 15 5 13 8
Swing Rate 0.9s 0.7s 0.4s 0.7s 0.3s
Obtainability Obtainable Obtainable Unobtainable Obtainable Obtainable

Category Karambit Rambo Knife
Damage 55 55
Energy 5 5
Swing Rate 0.9s 0.65s
Trait Climbing Throwing

* Even with such a high number, shooting that many rounds per minute is impossible due to how Burst works.

The number is hypothetical, as the number works in a situation where Burst does not apply.

** Remember, the RPG reloads one rocket at a time at Ammo Stations. This is a unique characteristic for the RPG.

*** Remember, you cannot refill the Minigun.

**** Remember, the Tri-Blaster reloads three rockets at a time at Ammo Stations. This is a unique characteristic for the Tri-Blaster.
