R2DA Wiki

"Ah yes, supplies! My favourite thing in the entire world are supplies. Can't survive a day without them. It'd be helpful if I knew what they were specifically though."


Supplies are part of the Caved In Campaign mode. After you blow the rocks up using TNT, you enter a room of sorts. With teammates, you have to pick up everything you need before you are allowed to progress.

Background Story

Considering that you are in a cave, it's odd to see that there's suddenly a warehouse. There's no doors, no ventilation systems, and nowhere else to go besides that hole you just blew up.

Really now, this place was barricaded for a reason. You don't have the time to think about that though.


  • Split up with your team to find the Supplies. The more people scavenging the area, the faster you can get out.
  • The Tag Objective tool from the In-Game Store can aid you in helping find those supplies.
  • You need to pick up six Supplies to trigger the Boat countdown. They are:
    • A radio
    • A game console
    • A can of beans
    • A handbasket
    • A bottle
    • A watch

