R2DA Wiki

"On paper, it sounds good quiet, but when you realise that name tags give you away anyways, it kinda loses its charm"


This is an attachment that can help improve the SCAR-H accuracy for the price of range.

Background Story

Silencers add a touch of customizability, accuracy, and ... silence to guns. Strange why they're only available for a single weapon, though.


  • Use this to add accuracy to the SCAR-H at a cost of range.
    • This is advisable as range is something the SCAR-H is something that is in abundance.
  • Use guns with silencers like any other, sound doesn't matter.
    • It should be noted, the sound does change with the Silencer equipped.
  • The Lasersight grants greater accuracy with no negative effects.
    • Only consider buying the Silencer if you cannot afford the Lasersight.


  • Very similar to the K5 Silencer with the only difference being 5 accuracy bonus and the texture looking different.
