R2DA Wiki


Universes are a system in R2DA that allows players to choose a server pertaining to what they like, whether it's constant Free For All, Survival Unlimited or just your run-of-the-mill regular apocalypse.

Types of Servers

BeginnersTemplate3 PrestigeTemplate UnlimitedSurvival ApocalypseTemplate BattlestationTemplate
(Ranks 0 - 10, 20 players max)
(Ranks 25+, 26 players max)
Removed v0.9.9
Survival Unlimited
(Rank 10+, 30 players max)
(Rank 5+, 30 players max)
(Rank 5+, 30 players max)
Team Death SingleplayerTemplate
Team Deathmatch
(Rank 10+, 30 players max)
Single Player
(All ranks, 1 player max)


  • Servers with a blue tag means one of your friends are playing within that server.
  • This feature was added in v0.9.3.
    • However, the interface received an overhaul in v0.9.9 and v1.0.3.
  • After v1.1.7, Survival Unlimited and Team Death were stored under Apocalypse and Battlestation respectively, though they kept their universe status.
  • As of v1.0.1, anyone can create servers shown above.
    • However, you can customise very little unless you are using VIP Servers. Then, more options are available.
    • One restriction is that the max players in a server can only be up to 25. You cannot go higher.
  • In Debug, you couldn't vote Free For All, Snowball Fight or Free Brawl in Battlestation.
    • This was because they still had their exclusive status by accident.
      • As such, players could not start votes and were left to chance to get their preferred Gamemodes.
    • When the system was introduced in v0.9.3, their exclusive status for Battlestation was finally turned off.
  • During Debug, the server list looked like this.