The Private Jet can be found in the map Campfire Chaos II. It is the Campaign vehicle that lands after you have called the Radio and waited around for 5 minutes. You must refuel the Jet with the Gas Tank, which is pushed from the spawn to the airstrip after the Radio has been activated.
- Like most other vehicles in R2DA, you just need to enter the Jet to win.
- You cannot leave the Jet after you enter.
- You must push the Gas Tank from the spawn to the airstrip. Do this before the Jet lands.
- You can buy Disruptors around the landing strip, which will significantly increase longevity of all survivors as zombies don't spawn around you when you are refuelling the Jet.
- Like some of the Rescue vehicles, you are protected while inside the Jet.
- In-game, this is referred to as "Flight TX44".
- It is also stated the plane heads for Miami after the map ends.
- The Private Jet was in R2D:Resurrection and 2014 in the same map as R2DA.
- That version used a different model madeout of parts and was very compact.
- The Private Jet resembles a Cessna Citation X.
- The original free model was grey and more detailed as seen in this picture.