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The Pickaxe is an item as well as a weapon. This is mainly used to uncover the Naquadah in Zero Kelvin Station Campaign and break out of the spawn in Buried Alive Campaign.

They can be picked up from a dead Digger after the Minecart has been pushed to the mining site in Zero Kelvin Station. They can be found on the wall beside the survivor spawn in all gamemodes in Buried Alive.

Background Story

Some of the workers that were mining Naquadah ended up being slaughtered by zombies. Conveniently, their Pickaxes are left behind for you.

Later on, Diggers would acquire these Pickaxes for their own use. Survivors would often take their Pickaxes after they had slaughtered them.

Since Pickaxes have high utilisation, they are also used in the mining community of Buried.


Zero Kelvin Station

  • Use this to mine the Naquadah.
  • Only one person actually needs to be doing all the mining. Once the Naquadah is exposed anyone can grab it and transport it to the Minecart.
  • This is only obtained by killing a Digger.
    • This drops in a similar fashion to the X-Mas Cape. There is also a light to indicate that it has dropped.
    • Diggers only drop this when the Minecart is pushed to the mining site.
      • Only those spawning after the Minecart has reached the mining site will drop it. Those that are alive prior to that will not drop the Pickaxe.
      • Some costumes of the Digger (like the X-Mas, Aquatic and Easter) do not drop Pickaxes.
  • While this can be used as a weapon, you are immobile when using this so this isn't recommended.

Buried Alive

  • At survivor spawn, there is a Pickaxe on either side of the wall. Use it to mine the wall to escape the spawn during Campaign.
    • The Pickaxe can be taken an infinite amount of times. There is no benefit in taking multiple Pickaxes, so try not to clog your inventory.
    • You do not need the Pickaxe outside of Campaign, though it can still be used as a weapon.
  • Only one person actually needs to be doing all the mining. Once a hole through the rock has been created, then all survivors can funnel through.
  • There is a torch that is covered by rocks, so you will need a Pickaxe to destroy the rocks around it.


  • This uses the model of the pickaxes on the Digger's back.
  • The Pickaxe model is similar to World of Warcraft's pickaxe.
