Information regarding moderationship. Players ranked as Moderator+ are granted access to modcall history and the usage of commands below, their duty is to patrol servers and ban players who cause commotion.
Reference sheet for moderators.
Moderator Commands
ban [username] - Pulls up the ban console with username inputted.
kick [username] - Kicks the player out of the server.
kill [username] - Kills the player.
kill all - Kills all players.
endgame - Ends the current round.
warn [message] - Displays chat message in capital red.
hide - Becomes invisible in the leaderboard and menu.
unhide - Becomes visible in the leaderboard and menu.
hidebadge - Moderator tag becomes hidden on the leaderboard.
showbadge - Moderator tag becomes shown on the leaderboard.
play [musicname] - Play music from Soundtrack.
stopmusic - Stops music playing.
w [username] (message) - Whispers a message to the player.
shutdown server - Shutdowns a server.
+Several unlisted commands.
Bold means command is not hidden.
- Commands inside ( ) brackets, NOT [ ] brackets, means optional. Command works with or without it.
- Some Head Moderator commands are not listed for security reasons.
- Developers are limited from using certain commands.
- Official Developers and Moderators will have a tag on leaderboard next to their usernames.
- Moderators and Head Moderators can wield the FATAL5.
- The joinplayer command was removed along with the menu universe.
- The shutdown server command was hiddenly added on v1.0.3.
- The teleport command has been removed.
- Banning system has been moved over to the menu. You can still use the command to skip selecting a username.
- All bans need a reason. Without it the ban is not legit and can be revoked upon request.