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Items/Armors Requirements
These are the requirements that all suggestions relating to survivors must have, if applicable.
Suggestion Title
Description/Background = Describe the suggestion and give it a background. You must include one of these.
Rank = What rank is required to unlock?
Cost = How much does it cost?
Obtain = How do you get it?
Armor Health = How much extra heath does the armor provide?
Clips = Does the armor give extra clips?
Armor Abilities = Does the armor have any unique things it can do?
Item Health = How much health does the item heal?
Item Damage = Self Explanatory.
Item Effects = What does it do?
Weapon/Attachment Requirements
These are the requirements for all weapon and attachment suggestions.
Description/Background = Describe the suggestion and give it a background. You must include one of these.
Rank = What rank is required to unlock?
Cost = How much does it cost?
Type = What kind of weapon is it?
Damage = How much does it hurt?
Energy = How much energy does a swing of a weapon use?
Range = How much range till the bullet goes poof?
Accuracy = How accurate is the gun?
Rate of Fire (RoF) = How fast does the gun fire?
Hard Impact = How many zombies can a shot pierce?
Ammo = How much ammo does a gun have?
Reload Time = How long does it take to reload?
Swing Rate = How long does each swing take?
Attachments = What can be attached to the weapon?
Skins = Does the weapon have skins?
Attachment Type = What type of attachment is it?
Attachment Accuracy = What is the effect on accuracy, if any?
Attachment Ammo = What is the effect on ammo, if any?
Attachment Range = What is the effect on range, if any?
Attachment Damage = What is the effect on damage, if any?
Attachment Effect = What does it do?
Mobs(Zombies/NPCs/Bosses) Requirements
These are the requirements for all zombie and boss suggstions.
Suggestion Title
Description/Background = Describe the suggestion and give it a background. You must include one of these.
Zombie Cost = How much does it cost to play as?
Reward = How much money do you get from killing it?
Type = What kind of mob is it?
Health = How much health does it have?
Attacks = How do they hurt and by how much? Applies to zombies and bosses.
Abilities = What do they do other than the standard attack? Applies to zombies and bosses.
Boss Difficulty = How hard is it to defeat?
Map/Gamemode Requirements
These are the requirements for map suggestions.
Note - Making a map suggestion may come with repercussions.
Suggestion Title
Description/Background = Describe the map with a story or so.
Image = How does the map look like?
Roblox Game Link = You must provide a link to the map.
Potential Gamemodes = Provide the gamemodes for the map.
Player Limit? = Will the map have a player limit like Foxriver Prison?
Gamemode Exclusive? = Is the gamemode exclusive?
Gamemode Time Limit = Is there a time limit for the gamemode?
Gamemode Description = How does the gamemode play out?
Cosmetic Suggestion Requirements
These are the requirements for skin and emote suggestions.
Suggestion Title
Image = Show what the skin looks like, has to be an image of the skin texture. Or a weapon with the skin texture.
Weapon = Which weapon does the skin or animation apply to?
The Animation = How does the animation play like? Post a video or gif showing the animation.
Command = What do you type to activate the animation? An example is /e wave or /e lalaland.
Misc Suggestion Requirements
These are the requirements for suggestion that does not fit anything above. Stuff like changes to an existing thing or a new feature. Infoboxes are not required.
Suggestion Title
The issue= Explain what issue the suggestion may solve.
Explanation = Explain what the suggestion adds or changes.
Other Things
- The format must be easily readable to remain in the suggestions board.
- Something else.