R2DA Wiki
R2DA Wiki

This has been marked as R2DA Wikia's 500th Page!

You have every right to celebrate.

All Minimum Requirements must be fulfilled to stay in the suggestion board. Repeat offences will result in a warning then a block under the Wikia Ban Guide rule of "Joke Suggestions".

Items/Armors Requirements

These are the requirements that all suggestions relating to survivors must have, if applicable. 

Suggestion Title

Description/Background = Describe the suggestion and give it a background. You must include one of these.

Rank = What rank is required to unlock?

Cost = How much does it cost?

Obtain = How do you get it?

Armor Health = How much extra heath does the armor provide?

Clips = Does the armor give extra clips?

Armor Abilities = Does the armor have any unique things it can do?

Item Health = How much health does the item heal?

Item Damage = Self Explanatory.

Item Effects = What does it do?

Weapon/Attachment Requirements

These are the requirements for all weapon and attachment suggestions.

Description/Background = Describe the suggestion and give it a background. You must include one of these.

Rank = What rank is required to unlock?

Cost = How much does it cost?

Type = What kind of weapon is it?

Damage = How much does it hurt?

Energy = How much energy does a swing of a weapon use?

Range = How much range till the bullet goes poof?

Accuracy = How accurate is the gun?

Rate of Fire (RoF) = How fast does the gun fire?

Hard Impact = How many zombies can a shot pierce?

Ammo = How much ammo does a gun have?

Reload Time = How long does it take to reload?

Swing Rate = How long does each swing take?

Attachments = What can be attached to the weapon?

Skins = Does the weapon have skins?

Attachment Type = What type of attachment is it?

Attachment Accuracy = What is the effect on accuracy, if any?

Attachment Ammo = What is the effect on ammo, if any?

Attachment Range = What is the effect on range, if any?

Attachment Damage = What is the effect on damage, if any?

Attachment Effect = What does it do?

Mobs(Zombies/NPCs/Bosses) Requirements

These are the requirements for all zombie and boss suggstions.

Suggestion Title

Description/Background = Describe the suggestion and give it a background. You must include one of these.

Zombie Cost = How much does it cost to play as?

Reward = How much money do you get from killing it?

Type = What kind of mob is it?

Health = How much health does it have?

Attacks = How do they hurt and by how much? Applies to zombies and bosses.

Abilities = What do they do other than the standard attack? Applies to zombies and bosses.

Boss Difficulty = How hard is it to defeat?

Map/Gamemode Requirements

These are the requirements for map suggestions.

Note - Making a map suggestion may come with repercussions.

Suggestion Title

Description/Background = Describe the map with a story or so.

Image =  How does the map look like?

Roblox Game Link = You must provide a link to the map.

Potential Gamemodes = Provide the gamemodes for the map.

Player Limit? = Will the map have a player limit like Foxriver Prison?

Gamemode Exclusive? = Is the gamemode exclusive?

Gamemode Time Limit = Is there a time limit for the gamemode?

Gamemode Description = How does the gamemode play out?

Cosmetic Suggestion Requirements

These are the requirements for skin and emote suggestions.

Suggestion Title

Image = Show what the skin looks like, has to be an image of the skin texture. Or a weapon with the skin texture.

Weapon = Which weapon does the skin or animation apply to?

The Animation = How does the animation play like? Post a video or gif showing the animation.

Command = What do you type to activate the animation? An example is /e wave or /e lalaland.

Misc Suggestion Requirements

These are the requirements for suggestion that does not fit anything above. Stuff like changes to an existing thing or a new feature. Infoboxes are not required.

Suggestion Title

The issue= Explain what issue the suggestion may solve.

Explanation = Explain what the suggestion adds or changes.

Other Things

  • The format must be easily readable to remain in the suggestions board.
  • Something else.
