R2DA Wiki
In-Game Ban Guide
This page is meant for users in game who have a status of Moderator and above.

Reasons that can get a user banned in-game. If a given reason does not appear here, an appeal can be proposed; but can also be listed if needed. Bans usually last between a day and a week depending on severity, but in few occasions can go up for weeks. Valid Temporary Bans require warning(s) from Moderators+ before banishment, however Valid Red or Permanent Bans does not require such procedure.

All rules from the ROBLOX Community Guidelines also apply.

Your account, your responsiblities.

To appeal a ban, check the Unban Guide for details.

If you break more than one rule, the ban times can be combined.

Evading ban will result in a ban time up to double the original proposed ban time.

Perm bans from in-game can travel into discord and wikia and are perm as well.

Being banned for the same reason again can be doubled, and continues to be doubled.

Bans are expired at US Central timezone (CT), 3AM on current day (8AM UTC).

Reference sheet for moderators.

All ban dates are in European date format (DD-MM-YYYY).


Users who break a rule within this category will be banned on sight if a warning is not stated to be required. These reasons will be removed if either PlaceRebuilder successfully fixes the bug, or the situation has gotten into control.

  • Shooting through walls: Guns such as M249 or HK416 that have the hard impact, or any gun, can shoot through walls by chance, and is not suppose to be a thing. [3 days]
Shooting through fences in portland is fine, as it was intended.
  • Quest Skipping: The act of skipping important parts in Quest to "cheat" or beat the Quest faster. [1 day]

Green Ban Reasons

Users who break a rule within this category will receive a minimum of 2 warnings before a moderator takes action.

  • Bypassing Censorship: Bypassing the filter to send inappropriate words by having extra characters or intended misspelling of a word. [1 day]
  • Swearing: The act of using vulgar language. [1 day - 3 days]
Words like "shit" & "ass" is NOT ALLOWED in this case.
  • Spamming: Sending non-constructive messages with the sole intention of unnecessarily expanding the chat log. [1 day - 3 days]
You cannot get banned for spamming valid Give Commands.
  • Delaying Round: Purposely extending a round for a extended period of time for the sake of trolling. [1 day - 3 days]

Yellow Ban Reasons

Users who break a rule within this category will receive at least 1 warning if stated before a moderator takes action.

  • Offsite Link: Sharing through bypassing methods an url redirecting to an offsite link not whitelisted by roblox.[1 week]
  • Obstructive construction: (Different from Abusive Construction, see Red Ban reasons) use of construction to block rescue routes or to purposely confine players without their approval in a area with no exit.. [1 day - 3 days]
    Building in front of someone when they're about to take off with the Toy Plane is also not allowed.
  • Unbefitting Party: Party entitlement not suitable for public witness. [3 days - 1 week]
The leader will be banned on sight and the members of the party will be requested to leave the party. If any rejections are made, then they too will be banned..
  • Player Impersonation: Owning an account whose appearance, username and or behavior are prompted to impersonate. [1 day]
Invalid if agreed by both players in question.
  • Votekick Glitch: Abusing game-end screen(s) as an advantage to hide your vote kick from other players. [3 days]
  • Attacking the Staff Team: Insulting the people PlaceRebuilder has employed. [1 week] 
This especially applies after you were banned, but this can happen if you are being just plain annoying.
  • Revealing moderator: Revealing/exposing a hidden moderator while they are doing their job. [3 days]
  • Mass Teaming: Formation of allies consisting of at least 2 players outside of your party working together for the gathering of experience, player points and coins. Teams must have at least 7 players for the rule to be applicableMass Teaming rule DOES NOT apply to private servers. [1 week - 2 weeks]
Clans are included.
  • Complaining about new mods getting hired: Applies in game, on the R2DA Discord, and the R2DA Wikia. Warn required first before proceeding to punish. Time varies on different platforms. [1 day]
  • Teamkilling: Abusing a irregularity/flaw left by the developers to kill your teammate in a gamemode which would be normally impossible to do in. [3 days - 1 week] 
<3 team kills require a warn, >3 are ban on sight.
Pie/Egg Trolling isn't bannable if it indirectly/directly leads to a player's death.
Team killing on the victory screen is permissible.
  • Inappropriate References: Making links to drug, suicidal comments, smoking or disasters. Light sexual references such as "Dame tu cosita" are included. [3 days - 1 week]
Sexual memes are included. Certain clothes/outfits are included, minor ones need warn. Clear suggestive clothing is BOS.
Clear sexual references, with no ambiguity, are bannable with no warning.

Red Ban Reasons

Users who break a rule within this category will not receive a warning, and will be banned on sight.

  • Abusive Construction: Using the hammer to build obscene buildings such as expletive characters and illicit symbols. [1 week - 2 weeks]
  • Suggestive: Clear comments alluding to sexual contents. [1 week]
Light sexual comments are included under Inappropriate References. Clear sexual references, with no ambiguity, are bannable with no warning.
  • Troll Account: The sole purpose of the account is to do inappropriate, harmful activities to everyone, or anyone else. [2 weeks - PERM]
Accounts ranked <10 get perm banned, accounts >10 get 2 weeks or above.
  • Hate Speech: Discrimination of one's race, national origin,or religious affiliation. [1 week]
  • Child Endangerment: Predatory behavior or anything that sexualizes children. [1 month]
  • Glitching Tutorial: Creating a video or online speech indicating the performance of an abusable or game breaking glitch which is not tolerated. [3 days - PERM]
Applies even if its outside R2DA.
  • Leaking Staff Channels/Association: Leaking or Spreading Information from a Official R2DA Staff/Debug related Channel. [1 month - PERM]
Applies even if it's outside R2DA.
You are guilty of association if you Own/Moderate the server that the leaks were sent in, to avoid being guilty, report the user. (Few exceptions to this, that will not be listed)
You are guilty of association if you spread the leaks around.
  • Raiding the Official Reason 2 Die discord server: Self Explanatory and depends on context of raid. [2 weeks - PERM]
Requires HeadModerator+ Permission to ban.
  • Illegal Farming: Using autoclickers/hotkeys/macros or alternate accounts to farm in-game to give an unfair advantage. [2 weeks - PERM]
Bannable even if usage of separate device / separate browser to alternate account farm.
AutoClickers / AutoHotKeys / Macros are only bannable if used to farm.
Quest/Minigame farming with an alt is okay to do since it requires work to complete the Quest/Minigame.
Still bannable if a real player fills in the ALT spot and does what the ALT does.
Requires HeadModerator+ Permission to ban.
Using an AutoFarm exploit is a permanent ban and does not require HeadModerator+ permissions.
  • Association with exploits: Being involved with any form of R2D exploiting: group, community, video, project, or otherwise [1 month - PERM]
Light involvement (i.e. teaming with an exploiter, taking advantage of an exploiter, encouraging exploiters for personal gain) [1 month+]
Heavy involvement (i.e. being part of an exploiting video, project or group) [PERM]
Only applies to involvement with exploits/exploiting in R2D

White Ban Reasons

Offense tier highly depending on the severity.

  • False ModcallAbusing the usage of modcall by not having a solid reason stated within. [1 day - 7 days]
There are no verbal warnings.
  • Glitching: Abuse of an unwanted flaw, malfunction or irregularity left by the developers. [1 day - 1 month]
Speed Glitching [WARNING - 3DAY BAN]
Corner Glitching [WARNING - 1DAY BAN] (Depends)
Ragdoll Glitching to Escape or Kill Users [WARNING - 3DAY BAN]
Quest Glitching [WARNING - 3DAY BAN]
Tab Glitching [WARNING - 7DAY BAN]
Team Kill Glitching [3DAY BAN]
Out of Map Glitching [1DAY BAN] (10s+/Intentional)
Weapon Glitching [1DAY+] (Depends on Glitch)
Mount Glitching [1DAY+] (Depends on Glitch) Using mount when stunned on tablet [WARNING - 1DAY +]
Zombie Glitching [1DAY+] (Depends on Glitch)
A list of the specified glitches can be found here
All Glitching is allowed in PRIVATE VIP servers.
  • Threats: Hack threats, hostile real life statements or suggestive suicide thoughts on someone. [3 days - 1 month]
Hack and death threats towards R2DA is an instant ban.
  • Flame War: Offensive argument based dispute between two or more individuals. [1 day - 1 week]
All users involved will be affected.
  • Bullying/Harassment/Drama/Toxicity: Use of greater influence or intimidation for one's needs, aggressively inflicting explicit words towards an individual, or generally being a nuisance to the community. [1 days - PERM]
Bullying/harassment can only be acted upon if it is directed and the person being bullied/harassed is not OK with this situation, such as "Player A is a retard because they're a low rank." [3 days - 2 weeks] Toxicity can only be acted upon when it becomes excessive and unnecessary. Regular trash talking, such as "Player A is trash at the game, they missed so many shots." is not bannable. [1 days - PERM] This rule also includes targeting players, moderators, the creator etc. in-game.
  • Bribery: Applies from discord, in game, or other sources. Attempting to bribe a staff member into doing something out of line, if the bribe was accepted both users will be severely punished. HMODS determine if the user attempting the bribe requires a ban. [2 weeks - PERM]
  • Creating troll accounts: Applies from discord, in game, or other sources. Creating troll accounts in order to well, troll. If the proof is solid enough to prove that the main user was doing it, the main user receives a perm ban. HMODS determine if the user gets the ban or not.  [1 month - PERM]
  • Group / Clan Targeting: The act of a Group or Clan of users targeting, harassing, bullying, or attacking of any sort of user(s) for their nationality, sexuality, disability, appearance etc. An investigation has to be put into place with PlaceRebuilder or an Administrator's approval before anything happens. Once PlaceRebuilder or an Administrator approves, all Head Staff from each platform have to agree to punish said Group / Clan, meaning if for example the HoW Team doesn't agree, then no punishment can be put into place for any platforms. [2 weeks - PERM]
Depends on the severity.
Everyone involved will be punished, not the whole Clan.
Applies even if outside of R2D Discord/Ingame/Wikia.
Requires HMod+ Approval for Ingame Ban
Requires CHMod+ Approval for Discord Ban
Requires HoW+ Approval for Wikia Ban

Black Ban Reasons

Users will be permanently banned on sight.

  • Hacking/Exploiting: Acquire unauthorized access or modification of a resourceful data or forcibly inject an outer code for advantage.[PERM]
    Owning, downloading or buying an exploit, even if you do not use it in R2DA, will lead to a permanent ban based on the discretion of a Head Moderator+. This includes being in a discord, roblox group etc. that distributes exploit software and/or code.
    Multiple ROBLOX does not count as an exploit, except when used to Illegally Farm where it will be punished under that rule.
  • Hacking/Exploiting Tutorial: Creating a video or online speech indicating the performance of a hack. [PERM]
  • Inappropriate username: Having a username which is not suitable for public witness. [PERM]
  • Lagswitching: Purposely break connectivity to provoke unsynchronized events on objects and players. [PERM]
  • Malicious Offsite Link: Sharing through bypassing methods an url redirecting to an offsite link whose content regards potentially harmful hacking activity, pornography or viewer shock. [PERM]
  • Staff Impersonation: Owning an account whose username or behaviour are prompted to impersonate an official staff member. (If it is behaviour, tell them to stop once then proceed to ban, if it is username and behaviour then perm them) [PERM].
  • Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. [PERM]
  • Scamming/Stealing Information: Successfully/Attempting to steal/scam someone's account by offering some sort of price. (eg. Robux/Trading/Another Account etc) [PERM]