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Double Equip is a feature that allows players to equip 2 Secondaries instead of having a Primary and Secondary equipped.

To use this feature, you must have the Primary slot free before equipping two secondaries. You must have one secondary you want to equip in the secondary slot before equipping the other secondary, moving the one you previously equipped to the primary slot.

For example, you can equip both the CK Swat and Rambo Knife at the same time, or a Steyr M and Tinpot.


  • Make use of this feature to create amazing combos!
  • This is very useful for starters for when they can't buy a costly Primary.
  • If you are wearing an armor that grants extra ammo, it doesn't matter which slot a ranged secondary weapon is in, it will still receive the additional ammo.
    • Having two ranged secondaries means that both will get extra ammunition.
    • The Toy Bow still cannot gain any extra ammo, as this weapon doesn't really use magazines.
    • The Bandolier doesn't give any extra magazines because it was only meant to be used with the Minigun.
  • You still can't bring the RPG, Tri-Blaster or Ice Gun into Free For All (or any PvP gamemode) with this due to obvious balancing reasons. Try it and you'll be basically useless.
  • During Melee Smash, bringing in two different melees allows for some interesting rounds.
  • To deselect your secondary in your primary slot, it must be equipped (to move it to the secondary slot) and deselected.
  • RPG and Tri-Blaster in gamemodes where you can have them isnt a good idea for trying to attack a zombie horde that is really close to you.


  • This feature was added in v0.9.4, removed in v0.9.6 because of the new shop, and was re-released in v1.0.0.
