Here are the differences between R2DA and R2D, such as controls, features, etc.
The text in the left column represents R2D, and the right column represents R2DA.
Reason 2 Die | Reason 2 Die: Awakening |
Touch to open supply boxes. | F to open supply boxes. |
Cannot run with weapon equipped. | Can run with weapon equipped. |
Shift to reload at Ammo Table. | R to reload at Ammo Stations. |
Can change item ordering. | Cannot change item ordering. |
Ammo table with infinite reloads. | Ammo table with 4 reloads. |
No energy used on jumping. | Energy used on jumping (14). |
Headshots deal the same damage as body shots. | Headshots deal double the damage compared to body shots. |
Shooting doors damage them. | Shooting doors does no damage. |
No zombie buying cooldown. | Zombie buying cooldown (some VIP Servers have this disabled). |
Unable to aim down sights. | Aim down sights. |
Character animations. | Gun animations. |
No weapon attachments. | Weapon attachments. |
No weapon skins. | Weapon skins. |
Outdated anti-exploit system. | Filtering enabled, NoobBuster and updated anti-exploit system. |
Tanks cannot climb. | Brutes can climb. |
Tanks throw large pieces of rocks. | Brutes throw explosive clubs. |
Tanks cannot shield themselves. | Brutes can shield themselves. |
Tanks have the same walkspeed as a survivor. | Brutes have 14 walkspeed. |
Winners win cash. | Winners win XP and cash. |
Hammer is only used to build planks. | Hammer can build various structures and be used as a weapon. |
Bullets are raycasted, always. | Raycasted bullets can be disabled in VIP Servers. |
Mounts spawn by command. | Mounts spawn by pressing [M]. |
No swimming. | Swimming for a certain amount of time (some Maps). |
Joining community group gives a free Grenade. | Joining community group gives +10 health. |
No option to modcall. | Option to Modcall. |
Roblox default UI. | Custom UI. |
Permanent death. | Defibrillators are used to revive unconsicous survivors. |
Roblox meshes/CSG. | CSG/Custom Meshes. |
Pressing H will enable Cinematic mode (Spectating only). | Pressing C will enable Cinematic mode (Spectating only). |
No bullet ballistics. | Bullet ballistics with non-raycasted bullets. |
Unable to block. | CapsLock used to block. |
Random chance of being a zombie. | Queue to be a Zombies. |
Rounds of 1. | Rounds of 2. |
Range of throwable Items depending on how far you throw. | Range of throwable Items depending on how long you hold and how far you aim. |
Lord Pumpkin was the Halloween boss in 2014. | Lord Pumpkin Jr. was the Halloween boss in 2016 and 2017. |
1M Visits Event. | No 1M Visits Event. |
No mod weapons on R2D. | Mod weapons on R2DA. |
No zombie upgrades. | Deadvelopment Center. |
Water is a huge baseplate that's coloured blue with sand texture. | Water is smooth terrain. (Except Shoot'em Up Town.) |
Can choose to be zombie before a round starts. | Cannot choose to be zombie before a round starts. |
Fixed Skybox. | Changeable skybox in some maps. |
No map loading bar. | Map loading bar. |
Leftover experience points are carried over to the new rank after rank up. | Experience points reset to 0% after level up, leftover experience points are not carried over to the new rank. |
Rank ups only happen when the round is over. | Rank ups can happen at any time when the player gets to 100% EXP. |
Intermission is 30 seconds long. | Intermission is 40 seconds long. |
No anti-biased voting. | Anti-Biased voting system is in place. |
No 50% experience points and cash party share. | 50% experience points and cash Party share available. |
No limit on a maximum number of players in parties/groups. | The maximum number of players in parties/groups is determined by the VIP server owner, otherwise four in regular servers. |
No fame system. | Fame system available. |
No party chat. | Party chat available. |
Flamethrower, RPG and Minigun can't be refilled. | All weapons can be refilled (excluding the Minigun). Special rules apply when refilling the RPG and Tri-Blaster. |
Roblox Meshed weapons. | Custom Meshed weapons. |
No Damage Immunity for melees. | Damage Immunity for melees. |
Survivors aren't completely helpless when caught by some special infected (Smokers, Hunters). | Survivors must be helped by other teammates when caught by some special infected (Edgars, Leapers). |
Survivors fall apart when killed (standard Roblox death). | Survivors ragdoll when killed. |
Survivors have to wait to respawn when killed. | Survivors can click a button to re-spawn when killed. |
Survivors can't choose to zombify when killed. | Survivors can zombify for free as a zombie when killed. |
Custom and ROBLOX-made Emotes. | Custom Emotes. |
Grenades, Pills etc. are shown on the side of someone. | Only Defibrillators, Jetpack and Medkits are shown. |
Fire Elemental transforms in an Ice Elemental. | Fire Elemental transforms in an Electric Elemental. |
Cannot make a Tank stronger through any means. | Can make a Brute stronger as an Electric Elemental. |
Chat is on top left corner. | Chat is on bottom left corner. |
Music on the start & end of the round. | No music at the start & end at round (only audio). |
Blocky and simplistic map building standards. | Detailed map building standards. |
Explosions are standard Roblox explosions. | Explosions are realistic and custom made. |
Rescue Helicopter doesn't grant you immunity. | Rescue Helicopter grants you Immunity. |
Tinpot, Rambo Knife, and Chainsaw do not use stamina. | Tinpot, Rambo Knife, and Chainsaw use stamina. |
King Cake as year round boss. | Chronos XI and King Cherrycake as year round bosses. |
Torch is an objective item on Buried Alive. | Torch is a melee weapon. |
Zombies cannot run. | Zombies can run using stamina. |
Elementals are transparent. [excluding hats] | Elementals aren't transparent. |
Elementals walk the same speed as survivors. | Elementals walk faster than survivors. |
27 weapons. | 54+ weapons. |
No ability to customise VIP server. | Ability to customise VIP server. |
17 playable zombie types (including glitched types). | 8 playable zombie types. |
Rank cap of 29. | Rank cap of 60. |
You can perform a C4 jump. | You cannot perform a C4 jump. |
No option to prestige. | Option to Prestige. |
No Universes (only standard R2D server). | Universes exist. |
Survivors and Zombies could use Emotes. | Only Survivors can use Emotes. |
Punch doesn't trip. | Punch does trip. |
(Insert more if applicable...)