R2DA Wiki
R2DA Wiki

Here are the differences between R2DA and R2D, such as controls, features, etc.

The text in the left column represents R2D, and the right column represents R2DA.

Reason 2 Die Reason 2 Die: Awakening
Touch to open supply boxes. F to open supply boxes.
Cannot run with weapon equipped. Can run with weapon equipped.
Shift to reload at Ammo Table. R to reload at Ammo Stations.
Can change item ordering. Cannot change item ordering.
Ammo table with infinite reloads. Ammo table with 4 reloads.
No energy used on jumping. Energy used on jumping (14).
Headshots deal the same damage as body shots. Headshots deal double the damage compared to body shots.
Shooting doors damage them. Shooting doors does no damage.
No zombie buying cooldown. Zombie buying cooldown (some VIP Servers have this disabled).
Unable to aim down sights. Aim down sights.
Character animations. Gun animations.
No weapon attachments. Weapon attachments.
No weapon skins. Weapon skins.
Outdated anti-exploit system. Filtering enabled, NoobBuster and updated anti-exploit system.
Tanks cannot climb. Brutes can climb.
Tanks throw large pieces of rocks. Brutes throw explosive clubs.
Tanks cannot shield themselves. Brutes can shield themselves.
Tanks have the same walkspeed as a survivor. Brutes have 14 walkspeed.
Winners win cash. Winners win XP and cash.
Hammer is only used to build planks. Hammer can build various structures and be used as a weapon.
Bullets are raycasted, always. Raycasted bullets can be disabled in VIP Servers.
Mounts spawn by command. Mounts spawn by pressing [M].
No swimming. Swimming for a certain amount of time (some Maps).
Joining community group gives a free Grenade. Joining community group gives +10 health.
No option to modcall. Option to Modcall.
Roblox default UI. Custom UI.
Permanent death. Defibrillators are used to revive unconsicous survivors.
Roblox meshes/CSG. CSG/Custom Meshes.
Pressing H will enable Cinematic mode (Spectating only). Pressing C will enable Cinematic mode (Spectating only).
No bullet ballistics. Bullet ballistics with non-raycasted bullets.
Unable to block. CapsLock used to block.
Random chance of being a zombie. Queue to be a Zombies.
Rounds of 1. Rounds of 2.
Range of throwable Items depending on how far you throw. Range of throwable Items depending on how long you hold and how far you aim.
Lord Pumpkin was the Halloween boss in 2014. Lord Pumpkin Jr. was the Halloween boss in 2016 and 2017.
1M Visits Event. No 1M Visits Event.
No mod weapons on R2D. Mod weapons on R2DA.
No zombie upgrades. Deadvelopment Center.
Water is a huge baseplate that's coloured blue with sand texture. Water is smooth terrain.
(Except Shoot'em Up Town.)
Can choose to be zombie before a round starts. Cannot choose to be zombie before a round starts.
Fixed Skybox. Changeable skybox in some maps.
No map loading bar. Map loading bar.
Leftover experience points are carried over to the new rank after rank up. Experience points reset to 0% after level up, leftover experience points are not carried over to the new rank.
Rank ups only happen when the round is over. Rank ups can happen at any time when the player gets to 100% EXP.
Intermission is 30 seconds long. Intermission is 40 seconds long.
No anti-biased voting. Anti-Biased voting system is in place.
No 50% experience points and cash party share. 50% experience points and cash Party share available.
No limit on a maximum number of players in parties/groups. The maximum number of players in parties/groups is determined by the VIP server owner, otherwise four in regular servers.
No fame system. Fame system available.
No party chat. Party chat available.
Flamethrower, RPG and Minigun can't be refilled. All weapons can be refilled (excluding the Minigun). Special rules apply when refilling the RPG and Tri-Blaster.
Roblox Meshed weapons. Custom Meshed weapons.
No Damage Immunity for melees. Damage Immunity for melees.
Survivors aren't completely helpless when caught by some special infected (Smokers, Hunters). Survivors must be helped by other teammates when caught by some special infected (Edgars, Leapers).
Survivors fall apart when killed (standard Roblox death). Survivors ragdoll when killed.
Survivors have to wait to respawn when killed. Survivors can click a button to re-spawn when killed.
Survivors can't choose to zombify when killed. Survivors can zombify for free as a zombie when killed.
Custom and ROBLOX-made Emotes. Custom Emotes.
Grenades, Pills etc. are shown on the side of someone. Only Defibrillators, Jetpack and Medkits are shown.
Fire Elemental transforms in an Ice Elemental. Fire Elemental transforms in an Electric Elemental.
Cannot make a Tank stronger through any means. Can make a Brute stronger as an Electric Elemental.
Chat is on top left corner. Chat is on bottom left corner.
Music on the start & end of the round. No music at the start & end at round (only audio).
Blocky and simplistic map building standards. Detailed map building standards.
Explosions are standard Roblox explosions. Explosions are realistic and custom made.
Rescue Helicopter doesn't grant you immunity. Rescue Helicopter grants you Immunity.
Tinpot, Rambo Knife, and Chainsaw do not use stamina. Tinpot, Rambo Knife, and Chainsaw use stamina.
King Cake as year round boss. Chronos XI and King Cherrycake as year round bosses.
Torch is an objective item on Buried Alive. Torch is a melee weapon.
Zombies cannot run. Zombies can run using stamina.
Elementals are transparent. [excluding hats] Elementals aren't transparent.
Elementals walk the same speed as survivors. Elementals walk faster than survivors.
27 weapons. 54+ weapons.
No ability to customise VIP server. Ability to customise VIP server.
17 playable zombie types (including glitched types). 8 playable zombie types.
Rank cap of 29. Rank cap of 60.
You can perform a C4 jump. You cannot perform a C4 jump.
No option to prestige. Option to Prestige.
No Universes (only standard R2D server). Universes exist.
Survivors and Zombies could use Emotes. Only Survivors can use Emotes.
Punch doesn't trip. Punch does trip.

(Insert more if applicable...)
